General User Preferences

You can customise how Jim appears and behaves when it first starts up, to match your own preferences. Select Preferences ... from the Toolkits menu: The preferences menu item in the
                                                           Toolkits menu

This brings up the Preferences dialog:

Jim's general Preferences dialog

There are five tabbed panes: click on the tab at the top to select the preferences you want to change.

Appearance & GUI

Using this, you can select the following settings for Jim when it initially starts:

Miscellaneous Settings

Click on the Misc tab to bring up:

The Preferences misc tab

Using this, you can select the following settings for Jim when it initially starts:


Click on the Interoperability tab to bring up:


Here, you can restrict the file names that can Jim can create automatically, and set how Jim behaves when handling AnalyzeTM and NIFTI images that have been processed using other packages, or are to be processed further by other packages.

DICOM Settings

Click on the DICOM Setting tab to bring up:

DICOM preferences

Here, you can configure how Jim's DICOM features behave.

Keyboard Accelerators

Keyboard accelerators remapping

Jim's keyboard accelerators can be reconfigured here. Each action in the left-hand column has a default key-press, as shown in the second column. If you want to use a different key instead for a particular action, select the Checkbox in the 'Remap' column, and then click on the cell to right of the checkbox. Next, type a new key into that cell, to use the new key as the accelerator for that action.

If you receive a message that the key is already in use, then you can either choose a different key for the action, or you can first remap the action for the key that is in use.

Note: some of these accelerators are case-insensitive, and you will be unable to use neither the upper-case nor the lower-case key as an accelerator if it is in use. For example, the 'i' accelerator to initiate creation of an Irregular ROI can be typed as either a lower-case 'i' or an an upper-case 'I'. You will not be able use either 'i' or 'I' as a remapped key unless you first remap the accelerator to create an Irregular ROI.

For each tab, after you have set your preferences, press the Button to save the settings button to save your changes permanently. These settings will then be used next time you start Jim.

To go to the default setting press the set_defaults_button button. To undo any changes you have made to your settings, press the revert_button button, but don't forget to press the save_settings_button button if you previously saved them.

Click the done_button button when you have finished setting your preferences.

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