Dynamic Analysis - Introduction

In this context, dynamic scanning refers to the use of contrast agents in MRI or CT scans, where the passage of the contrast agent is monitored by repeatedly acquiring the scans. These can be either T1-weighted or T2*-weighted MRI scans, or x-ray CT scans.

The two tools used to analyse these different sorts of scan have a great many similarities, and are described together in this Chapter. For both tools, the concentration of contrast agent is assumed to be proportional to the change in relaxation rate in the tissue. Analysis is normally performed pixel-by-pixel, but the DCE-MRI tool can also analyse dynamic parameters within a region of interest.

Start the Brain Perfusion tool or DCE-MRI tool from the Toolkits menu.

Some of the setup is common to both tools. The setup for organising and pre-processing the input images, and setting up the output images is common, and these are described below below.
Input Images

Image Output

Both the brain perfusion and DCE-MRI analysis tools produce several parametric output images. The name of the output parameter is appended to a "base" image name. You choose the base output image name by clicking on the icon, or typing in the directory and file name. N.B. These tools will not overwrite existing output images.
Saving Settings
If you want to perform several similar analyses, you can set up the tool to your requirements, then press the button. Then, next time you start the tool, it will be configured in the same way. To revert to the default settings, press the button.

Having set up your input and output images, you can go on to perform either the brain perfusion or DCE-MRI analysis.

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