pH Estimation from CEST Data

One application of CEST Z-spectrum analysis is the estimation of pH using pH-responsive probes. Such probes may: Using a calibration, the ratios above may be used to estimate pH in vivo.

To perform this type of analysis, select the pH Estimator tab:

Tab to perform pH estimation

You can then select whether you want to: These input images will have been produced either from asymmetry analysis, or Lorentzian fitting. If both cases, you will need to provide a calibration curve, in the form of a text file containing two columns of numerical data: For these calibration curves, you need to ensure that the y-values (ratios) increase monotonically with increasing pH. If the ratio increases, and then decreases again, it is not possible to uniquely identify the pH from a particular ratio.

When set up, press Button to perform the analysis to estimate the pH. When complete, a new image is created showing the pH map. The image name will be taken from the first input image, with a suffix "_pH".

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