Interface InfoStorer

All Known Implementing Classes:
NIFTI2Image, NIFTIImage, UNCImage

public interface InfoStorer
An interface that classes implement to indicate that they can store arbitrary textual information.
  • Method Details

    • getInfo

      String getInfo(String name) throws InfoNotFoundException
      Returns a string representing the value of this information item in the general image information.

      For example, if there is a item with a name "pixel_x_size" and a value "0.91162" in the general info, and name "pixel_x_size" is supplied, then this method will return "0.91162".

      name - the name of this information field.
      a String representation of the value of this information field.
      InfoNotFoundException - if the name is not found in the general info.
    • putInfo

      void putInfo(String name, int value) throws IOException
      Adds an item to the general file info.
      N.B. For disk-based images, the changes in the info will not be reflected on disk unless the ReadableImage.close() method is called.
      name - the name of the information field to put.
      value - an integer value to be associated with this name in the general file information.
      IOException - if the information cannot be added because of an I/O error.
    • putInfo

      void putInfo(String name, float value) throws IOException
      Adds an item to the general file info. If an info item with the same name exists, then then value will be overwritten.
      N.B. For disk-based images, the changes in the info will not be reflected on disk unless the ReadableImage.close() method is called.
      name - the name of the information to put.
      value - a floating point value to be associated with this name in the general file information.
      IOException - if the information cannot be addded because of an I/O error.
    • putInfo

      void putInfo(String name, String value) throws IOException
      Adds an item to the general file info. If an info item with the same name exists, then then value will be overwritten.
      N.B. For disk-based images, the changes in the info will not be reflected on disk unless the ReadableImage.close() method is called.
      name - the name of the information to put.
      value - a String to be associated with this name in the general file information.
      IOException - if the information cannot be addded because of an I/O error.
    • getInfo

      String getInfo(String name, int dim, int n) throws InfoNotFoundException
      Returns a String representing the value of this information item in a particular dimension of this image. For example, if there is a item "pixel_x_size=0.91162" in the file info for this dimension, and a name "pixel_x_size" is supplied, then this method will return "0.91162".
      name - the name of this information item.
      dim - the dimension of this image to look for the information. For example in a 3-dimensional image you would look in dimension 0 for slice-specific info.
      n - the element to look in. For example in a 3-dimensional image you would look in slice n to info that applied only to slice n.
      a String representation of the value of this information.
      InfoNotFoundException - if the name is not found in this dimension/element info.
    • putInfo

      void putInfo(String name, int value, int dim, int n) throws IOException, IndexOutOfBoundsException
      Adds an item to the dimension-specific information. If an info item with the same name exists, then then value will be overwritten.
      N.B. For disk-based images, the changes in the info will not be reflected on disk unless the ReadableImage.close() method is called.
      name - the name of the information item to put.
      value - an integer value to be associated with this name in the general file information.
      dim - the dimension of this image to put the information item. For example in a 3-dimensional image you would put to dimension 0 for slice-specific info.
      n - the element to put to. For example in a 3-dimensional image you would put to slice n to info that applied only to slice n.
      IndexOutOfBoundsException - if the requested dimensions do not exist in the image.
      IOException - if the information cannot be addded because of an I/O error.
    • putInfo

      void putInfo(String name, float value, int dim, int n) throws IOException, IndexOutOfBoundsException
      Adds an item to the dimension-specific information. If an info item with the same name exists, then then value will be overwritten.
      N.B. For disk-based images, the changes in the info will not be reflected on disk unless the close() method is called.
      name - the name of the information item to put.
      value - an floating-point value to be associated with this name in the dimension-specific information.
      dim - the dimension of this image to put the information. For example in a 3-dimensional image you would put to dimension 0 for slice-specific info.
      n - the element to put to. For example in a 3-dimensional image you would put to slice n to info that applied only to slice n.
      IndexOutOfBoundsException - if the requested dimensions do not exist in the image.
      IOException - if the information cannot be addded because of an I/O error.
    • putInfo

      void putInfo(String name, String value, int dim, int n) throws IOException, IndexOutOfBoundsException
      Adds an item to the dimension-specific information. If an info item with the same name exists, then then value will be overwritten.
      N.B. For disk-based images, the changes in the info will not be reflected on disk unless the close() method is called.
      name - the name of the information item to put.
      value - a String value to be associated with this name in the dimension-specific information.
      dim - the dimension of this image to put the information. For example in a 3-dimensional image you would put to dimension 0 for slice-specific info.
      n - the element to put to. For example in a 3-dimensional image you would put to slice n to info that applied only to slice n.
      IndexOutOfBoundsException - if the requested dimensions do not exist in the image.
      IOException - if the information cannot be addded because of an I/O error.
    • getSliceInfo

      String getSliceInfo(String name, int slice) throws InfoNotFoundException
      Returns a String representing the value of this information item in a particular slice of this image.

      The slice number is referenced from 0 to (number of slices - 1).

      name - the name of this information item.
      slice - the slice number.
      a String representation of the value of this information.
      InfoNotFoundException - if the name is not found for the specified slice.
    • getFrameInfo

      String getFrameInfo(String name, int frame) throws InfoNotFoundException
      Returns a String representing the value of this information item in a particular frame of this image.

      The frame number is referenced from 0 to (number of frames - 1).

      name - the name of this information item.
      frame - the frame number.
      a String representation of the value of this information.
      InfoNotFoundException - if the name is not found for the specified frame.
    • putSliceInfo

      void putSliceInfo(String name, String value, int slice) throws IndexOutOfBoundsException, IOException
      Adds an item to the slice-specific information. If an info item with the same name exists, then then value will be overwritten.

      The slice number is referenced from 0 to (number of slices - 1).
      N.B. For disk-based images, the changes in the info will not be reflected on disk unless the ReadableImage.close() method is called.

      name - the name of the information item to put.
      value - a String to be associated with this name in the slice-specific info.
      slice - the slice number.
      IndexOutOfBoundsException - if the requested slice is greater than the total number of slices in the image, or if the image is not at least 2-dimensional.
      IOException - if the information cannot be added because of an I/O error.
    • putFrameInfo

      void putFrameInfo(String name, String value, int frame) throws IndexOutOfBoundsException, IOException
      Adds an item to the frame-specific information. If an info item with the same name exists, then then value will be overwritten.

      The frame number is referenced from 0 to (number of frames).
      N.B. For disk-based images, the changes in the info will not be reflected on disk unless the ReadableImage.close() method is called.

      name - the name of the information item to put.
      value - a String to be associated with this name in the frame-specific info.
      frame - the frame number.
      IndexOutOfBoundsException - if the indicated frame is greater than the total number of frames in the image, or if the image is not at least 3-dimensional.
      IOException - if the information cannot be added because of an I/O error.
    • putSliceInfo

      void putSliceInfo(InfoList infoList, int slice) throws IndexOutOfBoundsException, IOException
      Adds all the items in an InfoList to the slice-specific information. If an info item with the same name exists, then then value will be overwritten.

      The slice number is referenced from 0 to (number of slices - 1).
      N.B. For disk-based images, the changes in the info will not be reflected on disk unless the ReadableImage.close() method is called.

      infoList - the list of InfoItems to put.
      slice - the slice number.
      IndexOutOfBoundsException - if the requested slice is greater than the total number of slices in the image, or if the image is not at least 2-dimensional.
      IOException - if the information cannot be added because of an I/O error.
    • putFrameInfo

      void putFrameInfo(InfoList infoList, int frame) throws IndexOutOfBoundsException, IOException
      Adds all the items in an InfoList to the frame-specific information. If an info item with the same name exists, then the value will be overwritten.

      The frame number is referenced from 0 to (number of frames - 1).
      N.B. For disk-based images, the changes in the info will not be reflected on disk unless the ReadableImage.close() method is called.

      infoList - the list of InfoItems to put.
      frame - the frame number.
      IndexOutOfBoundsException - if the specified frame is greater than or equal to the total number of frames in the image, or if the image is not at least 3-dimensional.
      IOException - if the information cannot be added because of an I/O error.
    • removeInfo

      void removeInfo(String name) throws IOException
      Removes an item from the general file information. If an info item with the given name is not present in the general info, then this method does nothing.
      N.B. For disk-based images, the changes in the info will not be reflected on disk unless the ReadableImage.close() method is called.
      name - the name of the information item to be removed.
      IOException - if the information cannot be removed.
    • removeInfo

      void removeInfo(String name, int dim, int n) throws IOException, IndexOutOfBoundsException
      Removes an item from the dimension-specific information. If an info item with the given name is not present in the dimension-specific, then this method does nothing.
      N.B. For disk-based images, the changes in the info will not be reflected on disk unless the ReadableImage.close() method is called.
      name - the name of the information item to put.
      dim - the dimension of this image to from which to remove the information. For example in a 3-dimensional image you would put to dimension 0 for slice-specific info.
      n - the element to from which to remove the info item. For example in a 3-dimensional image you would put to slice n to info that applied only to slice n.
      IndexOutOfBoundsException - if the requested dimensions do not exist in the image.
      IOException - if the information cannot be removed.
    • getInfoList

      InfoList getInfoList()
      Returns an InfoList object which is the general info for this image.
      an InfoList which is the general file info for this InfoStorer.
    • setInfoList

      void setInfoList(InfoList infoList) throws IOException
      Sets a new InfoList to the general file info of this image.
      infoList - the InfoList object to set to the general file info for this image.
      IOException - if the InfoList cannot be set.
    • getInfoList

      InfoList getInfoList(int dim, int n) throws IndexOutOfBoundsException
      Returns an InfoList object applying to a particular dimension/element for this image.
      dim - the dimension for which to get the information list.
      n - the element for which to get the information list.
      an InfoList object from a particular dimension of this InfoStorer.
      IndexOutOfBoundsException - if the dimensions supplied do not match this image.
    • getSliceInfoList

      InfoList getSliceInfoList(int slice) throws IndexOutOfBoundsException
      Returns an InfoList object applying to a particular slice of this image.

      The slice number is referenced from 0 to (number of slices - 1).

      slice - the slice number.
      an InfoList object from a particular slice of this InfoStorer.
      IndexOutOfBoundsException - if the slice supplied is inappropriate for the dimensions of this image.
    • getFrameInfoList

      InfoList getFrameInfoList(int frame) throws IndexOutOfBoundsException
      Returns an InfoList object applying to a particular frame of this image.

      The frame number is referenced from 0 to (number of frames - 1).

      frame - the frame number.
      an InfoList object from a particular frame of this InfoStorer.
      IndexOutOfBoundsException - if the frame supplied is inappropriate for the dimensions of this image.
    • setInfoList

      void setInfoList(InfoList infoList, int dim, int n) throws IndexOutOfBoundsException, IOException
      Sets a new InfoList a specific dimension of this image.
      infoList - the InfoList to associate with this image/dimension.
      dim - the dimension to which to set the information list.
      n - the element to which to set the information list.
      IndexOutOfBoundsException - if the dimensions supplied do not match this image or the InfoList cannot be set.
      IOException - if the InfoList cannot be set.
    • setSliceInfoList

      void setSliceInfoList(InfoList infoList, int slice) throws IndexOutOfBoundsException, IOException
      Sets a new InfoList a specific slice of this image.
      infoList - the InfoList to associate with this image/slice.
      slice - the slice for which to set the information list.
      IndexOutOfBoundsException - if the slice supplied does not match this image.
      IOException - if the InfoList cannot be set.
    • setFrameInfoList

      void setFrameInfoList(InfoList infoList, int frame) throws IndexOutOfBoundsException, IOException
      Sets a new InfoList a specific frame of this image.
      infoList - the InfoList to associate with this image/frame.
      frame - the frame for which to set the information list.
      IndexOutOfBoundsException - if the frame supplied does not match this image.
      IOException - if the InfoList cannot be set.
    • appendInfoList

      void appendInfoList(InfoList list) throws IOException
      Appends an InfoList to the existing general file info of this image.
      list - the InfoList object to append to the general file info for this image.
      IOException - if the InfoList cannot be appended because of an I/O error.
    • appendInfoList

      void appendInfoList(InfoList list, int dim, int n) throws InvalidImageException, IndexOutOfBoundsException, IOException
      Appends an InfoList to that existing for a specific dimension of this image.
      list - the InfoList to append.
      dim - the dimension to which to append the information list.
      n - the element to which to append the information list.
      InvalidImageException - if the dimensions are invalid for this InfoStorer.
      IndexOutOfBoundsException - if the dimensions supplied do not match this image.
      IOException - if the InfoList cannot be appended because of an I/O error.