Keyboard Shortcuts

The following are keyboard shortcuts that help speed up your interactions with Jim by reducing the amount of mouse movement you have to perform.

Note: in order for any of these shortcuts to have the desired effect, the image display must have the correct input focus. For example, if the cursor is currently flashing in the place where you type in an image name, then this will receive the keyboard input, and the key-presses detailed below will not have the desired effect.

Input focus in a text field is indicated by a flashing cursor.

Click on the image with the mouse, and then your key presses will be directed at the image, and the shortcuts will work correctly.

Slice Selection

Zoom & Pan Shortcuts

You must have either a slice selected, or all slices must have the same zoom and pan for these shortcuts to have any effect. Press the button to set all slices to the same zoom and pan.

Slice Paging Shortcuts

ROI-Related Shortcuts

N.B. these shortcuts only apply when the ROI Toolkit is active.

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