Totaliser Log File Format

This page shows an example of the format of a Jim Totaliser log file. A Totaliser log entry is written by the Totaliser in the ROI Toolkit frame.

A Totaliser log file is a plain text file, consisting of a list of Totaliser results. One result is generated each time the Totaliser is invoked, and the results saved to a given totaliser file. In the Totaliser log file, white space is used to separate the elements within an entry. White space may consist of space characters, tab characters or new-line characters. The amount of white space is not significant. Individual elements that may contain white space are enclosed in double quotes ("). Literal string elements are shown in

The totalised lengths, areas and volumes are written to six decimal places. Below is an example Totaliser log entry for ROIs defined on an image "TEST_1" in the directory "/home/xinapse".

Begin Report
  ROI Totaliser report produced by Jim 9.0
  Build version="9.0_1"
  ROI Totaliser report written on "28 Apr 2021 17:15:55.055 British Summer Time" by Operator ID "xinapse"
  Input image source="/home/xinapse/TEST_1.img"
  Patient name="A. Patient"
  Patient ID="123456"
  Patient sex=M
  Patient birth date=1-Jan-1960
  Scan date/time="May 18, 2012 10:08:50 AM"
  Series number=5
  Pixel width=0.976562 mm
  Pixel height=0.976562 mm
  Pixel depth=3 mm
  For All ROIs
  Number of ROIs=6
  Number of 3-D connected VOIs=7
  Total ROI area=1771.002286 square mm
  Total ROI volume=5313.006857 cubic mm
  Total ROI perimeter=949.709009 mm
  Total ROI surface area=2849.127027 square mm
  For Colour=3
  Number of ROIs=1
  Number of 3-D connected VOIs=1
  Total ROI area=46.058769 square mm
  Total ROI volume=138.176308 cubic mm
  Total ROI perimeter=29.537081 mm
  Total ROI surface area=88.611242 square mm
End Report

There were six ROIs in total defined on the image, and the statistics are shown first for all six. One of the ROIs was coloured with user-defined colour number 3. The statistics are shown for this ROI separately. In general, ROIs are catageorised both by colour, and by annotation, and the ROI totals are shown for each category separately.
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