You cannot create or edit regions of interest (ROIs) on images when they are being displayed as movies. However, you can load a movie image into Jim's main display, create the ROIs there and the display the ROIs on the movie within the Movie tool. You should create your ROIs at any time point, since when you load the ROIs into a movie the regions will automatically be copied to all time points. You can create individual ROIs at different time points, since each will be copied to all time points, but you should not duplicate ROIs across time points. Save your ROIs to an ROI file.
To display ROIs on a movie, select "Load ROIs ..." from the "View" menu of
the Movie Tool: .
This will bring up a File Chooser so that you can select the ROI file containing the ROIs you want to display.
You can load from multiple ROI files if you wish - if you repeat the process of loading ROIs, the
new ROIs will be displayed together with the existing ones. To remove ROIs from the movie display,
select "Unload ROIs" from the "View" menu of
the Movie Tool: . ROIs will automatically be removed
if you unload the current image or load a new one.