Publications 2014


“Internal Jugular Vein Narrowing and Body Mass Index in Healthy Individuals and Multiple Sclerosis Patients.” Magnano C, Belov P, Krawiecki J, Hagemeier J,  Zivadinov R. Veins and Lymphatics 3 4632-4635 (2014).

“Spinal Cord Gray Matter Atrophy Correlates with Multiple Sclerosis Disability”. Schlaeger R, Papinutto N, Panara V, Bevan C, Lobach IV, Bucci M, Caverzasi E, Gelfand JM, Green AJ, Jordan KM, Stern WA, von Büdingen HC, Waubant E, Zhu AH, Goodin DS, Cree BA, Hauser SL, Henry RG. Ann Neurol. 76(4):568-80. doi: 10.1002/ana.24241. Epub Aug 21. (2014).

“The Impact of Different Aetiologies on the Cognitive Performance of Frontal Patients”. L Cipolotti, C Healy, E Chan, F Bolsover, F Lecce, M White, B Spanò, T Shallice, M Bozzali. Neuropsychologia 68:21-30 (2014).

“Assessing the Neurophysiological Effects of Cannabinoids on Spasticity in Multiple Sclerosis” Tomassini V, Onesti E, Tinelli E, Frasca V, Antonilli L, Aragona M, Lopergolo D, Capua G, Pozzilli C, Pantano P, Inghilleri M. J Neurosci Rehabil. 01 02/ 2374-9091: SS0004 (2014).

“2D Phase-Sensitive Inversion Recovery Imaging to Measure In Vivo Spinal Cord Gray and White Matter Areas in Clinically Feasible Acquisition Times.” Papinutto N, Schlaeger R, Panara V, Caverzasi E, Ahn S, Johnson KJ, Zhu AH, Stern WA, Laub G, Hauser SL, Henry RG. J Magn Reson Imaging, doi: 10.1002/jmri.24819. (2014).

“Investigation of Magnetization Transfer Ratio-Derived Pial and Subpial Abnormalities in the Multiple Sclerosis Spinal Cord.” Kearney H, Yiannakas MC, Samson RS, Wheeler-Kingshott CAM, Ciccarelli O, Miller DH. Brain, 137:2456-2468 (2014).

“Sodium Accumulation is Associated with Disability and a Progressive Course in Multiple Sclerosis.” Paling D, Solanky BS, Riemer F, Tozer DJ, Wheeler-Kingshott CAM, Kapoor R, Golay X, Miller DH. Brain, 136:2305-2317 (2014).

“Cardiometabolic Phenotyping of Patients with Familial Hypocalcuric Hypercalcemia.” Wolf P, Krssak M, Winhofer Y, Anderwald CH, Zwettler E, Just Kukurova I, Gessl A, Trattnig S, Luger A, Baumgartner-Parzer S, Krebs M. J Clin Endocrinol Metab., 99:2014-1541 (2014).

“Dynamic Contrast-Enhanced MRI Parameters as Biomarkers for the Effect of Vatalanib in Patients with Non-Small-Cell Lung Cancer.” Nensa F, Seng K, Stattaus J, Morgan B, Horsfield MA, Soria J-C, Besse B, Gounant V, Khalil A, Fischer B, Krissel H, Laurent D, Christoph D, Eberhardt WE, Gauler TC. Future Oncology, 10:823-833 (2014).

“Subcortical Atrophy Is Associated with Cognitive Impairment in Mild Parkinson Disease: A Combined Investigation of Volumetric Changes, Cortical Thickness, and Vertex-Based Shape Analysis.” Mak E, Bergsland N, Dwyer MG, Zivadinov R, Kandiah N. AJNR 35:2257-2264 (2014).

“Synthesis, Characterization, and In Vitro Testing of a Bacteria-Targeted MR Contrast Agent.” Matosziuk LM, Harney AS, MacRenaris KW, Meade TJ. European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry, 2012:2099-2107 (2014).

“The Use of the Lumbosacral Enlargement as an Intrinsic Imaging Biomarker: Feasibility of Grey Matter and White Matter Cross-Sectional Area Measurements Using MRI at 3T.” Yiannakas MC, Kakar P, Hoy LR, Miller DH, Wheeler-Kingshott CAM PLoS One, DOI:0.1371/journal.pone.0105544 (2014).

“An Expanded Composite Scale of MRI-Defined Disease Severity in Multiple Sclerosis: MRDSS2” Bakshi R, Neema M, Tauhid S, Healy BC, Glanz BI, Kim G, Miller J, Berkowitz JL, Bove R, Houtchens MK, Severson C, Stankiewicz JM, Stazzone L, Chitnis T, Guttmann CR, Weiner HL, Ceccarelli A. Neuroreport, 25:1156-61 (2014).

“Investigation of Magnetization Transfer Ratio-Derived Pial and Subpial Abnormalities in the Multiple Sclerosis Spinal Cord.” Kearney H, Yiannakas MC, Samson RS, Wheeler-Kingshott CAM, Ciccarelli O, Miller DH. Brain, 137:2456-2468 (2014).

“Gd(III) Labeled Peptide Nanofibers for Reporting on Biomaterial Localization In Vivo.” Preslar AT, Parigi G, McClendon MT, Sefick SS, Moyer TJ, Haney CR, Waters EA, MacRenaris KW, Luchinat C, Stupp SI, Meade TJ. ACS Nano, 8:7325-7332 (2014).

“Age Independently Affects Myelin Integrity as Detected by Magnetization Transfer Magnetic Resonance Imaging in Multiple Sclerosis.” Newbould RD, Nicholasc R, Thomasc CL, Quest R, Lee JSZ, Honeyfield L, Colasantia A, Malikc O, Mattoscioc P, Matthews PM, Sormani MP, Waldman AD, Muraroc PA. NeuroImage, 4:641-648 (2014).