Graph Preferences

You can customise how Jim's graphs appear to match your own preferences. Whenever you have a Graph dialog (for example when showing Profiles or Image Statistics), Select Preferences ... from the Edit menu: graph_edit_preferences

This brings up the Graph Preferences dialog:


Using this, you can select the following for all graphs shown in Jim:

To change a colour, click on the coloured button next to the feature you want to set.

After you have set your preferences, press the save_settings_button button to save your changes permanently. These settings will then be used next time you start Jim.

To go to the default setting press the set_defaults_button button. To undo any changes you have made to your settings, press the revert_button button, but don't forget to press the save_settings_button button if you previously saved them.

Click the done_button button when you have finished setting your preferences.

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