Dynamic Analysis - Arterial Spin-Labelling

The Arterial Spin-Labelling module performs an analysis of ASL data acquired using alternating spin-labelled/control MR images to produce maps of cerebral blood flow (CBF). The analysis follows that recommended in: Magn Reson Med.73:102-16 (2015) "Recommended implementation of arterial spin-labeled perfusion MRI for clinical applications: A consensus of the ISMRM perfusion study group and the European consortium for ASL in dementia." Alsop D.C. et al. The default values for the settings below come from this paper.

You can analyse images acquired using either pseudo-continuous ASL (PCASL) or QUIPSS II pulsed ASL (PASL) to obtain perfusion values. The units of CBF in the output image are mL/(100 g)/minute.

Note: the ability to obtain meaningful quantitative perfusion values is heavily-dependent on the implementation of the ASL pulse sequence and entering accurate values for the sequence parameters required below. Obtaining an accurate estimate of the labelling efficiency is particularly difficult, and poor estimates will lead to systematic errors in the perfusion values.

You choose the Arterial Spin-Labelling module by clicking the ASL tab in the Dynamic Analysis tool.


Set up the input images as detailed in the Introduction, noting that the number of time-points should be set equal to sum the number of labelled plus control images (i.e., twice the number of labelled images).

General analysis settings

Pseudo-continuous ASL (PCASL) analysis

If your images were acquired using PCASL, select the option Button to specify that the acquisition was Pseudo-continuous
          ASL. Then set the additional parameters:

Pulsed ASL (PASL) analysis

If your images were acquired using PASL, select the option Button to specify that the acquisition was Pseudo-continuous
          ASL. Then set the additional parameters: See Magn Reson Med.73:102-16 (2015) for further details of the acquisition parameters and recommendations for processing.

Residuals Image

Selecting the Checkbox to create an image of the residuals check-box will create output image(s) with the same names as the input image(s), but with the suffix "residuals". The residuals image(s) will be the result of subtracting the modelled ASL signal (including the confounds) from the input data. Residuals images can be useful for investigating whether fitting the ASL still leaves some "structure" - this would be the case if the ASL does not provide a compete description of the input images, and that possibly further correlates should be included in the model. In the case of a "complete" ASL, the residuals will consist entirely of Gaussian-distributed uncorrelated values.

Performing the Analysis

When you click the apply_button button, the output image created will have a name produced by taking the base name in the image output section and appending the suffix "CBF". The units of CBF in the output image are mL/(100 g)/minute.
Note: physiologically non-meaningful CBF values less than zero are clipped and given the value zero in the output CSF image.

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