Cord Areas and Volume

Now that you have outlined the cord between your two landmarks, you can calculate the cross-sectional areas along the cord, and the total cord volume.

First, select the whether you want to:

Now click on the calculate_button button. When the calculation is finished, a dialog will pop up, showing the cord volume between the landmarks.


You can create a more detailed report by clicking on the text_report_button button (to a get a report in text format) or the pdf_report_button button to get a report in PDF format. Click the dismiss_button button if you do not want a detailed report.

A report will detail the cord length, total volume and cross-sectional areas at regular intervals (in steps equal to the original slice thickness) down the cord. The cross-sectional areas are measured in a plane that is perpendicular to the local cord centre-line.

You will also see a pop-up graph dialog showing the cross-sectional area long the cord.

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