Estimating B0 Inhomogeneity with WASSR

CEST is sensitive to B0 inhomogeneity, and it may be important to correct this. This module uses the WASSR method of direct water saturation imaging to estimate the absolute water frequency in each voxel, allowing proper centring of Z-spectra on a voxel-by-voxel basis. To perform WASSR analysis, select the WASSR tab:

Tab to perform WASSR analysis

Set up the input section, then set: When set up, press Button to perform the analysis to perform the WASSR analysis to estimate the B0 inhomogeneity. When complete, a new image is created which shows a map of the B0 inhomogeneity, with units of parts-per-million. The image name will be taken from the input image (or first input image, in the case of multiple input images), with the suffix "_B0" appended.

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