Cardiac Left Ventricular Function

Having defined the endo- and epicardial borders at all time points, and set up the segments, the LVFunction tab allows left ventricular function to be assessed.

Select the "LV Function" tab in the Cardiac Segment toolkit:

Cardiac Segment left ventricular function analysis

Then press the Button to do the analysis button. After a few moments, you will see some pop-up graphs (one for every image slice location) showing the myocardial wall thickness in each segment through the cardiac cycle, and a dialog asking whether you want to save the results of the analysis to either a text or a PDF report:

Dialog for the Cardiac LV Function analysis

If you write a report, as well as the wall thickess values reported in the graphs, it will contain LV function parameters:
  1. End-diastolic volume
  2. End-systolic volume
  3. Stroke volume
  4. Ejection fraction
These are estimated individually at every slice position, and then summed to give a value over all slices.
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