Package com.xinapse.util
package com.xinapse.util
Contains miscellaneous utility classes.
ClassDescriptionA class representing an array of binary (1-bit) values in a more compact way than does a boolean[].A class to implement a cancellable Thread.A flag that can be set to indicate that a cancellation has taken place.Thrown when an action is cancelled by the user.A JDialog for showing progress through an operation that will take an indeterminate number of steps, or an unknown time to complete.An image information item key-value pair.Representation of a list of information to be associated either with an image as a whole, or with a particular element of a particular dimension of an image.Signals that an error has occurred while creating or handling an
.An enumeration of possible intensity relationships.A Button for setting an intensity relation.Class for generating JPanels for selecting an IntensityRelation.A JPanel for selecting an IntensityRelation.Signals that an invalid parameter has been passed to a constructor or method, and that error must be handled by the caller.An interface for showing messages to the user.A class to implement aSwingWorker
that can pop up aProgressMonitor
to allow user cancellation.AJFrame
for performing an analysis of images where the contrast changes from one image to the next.An interface that is implemented by components that can save their settings to user preferences.Abstract Class to generate reports.An enumration of the types of report that can be generated.Class to show a twiddly rotating line to indicate that some action is being performed in text-mode applications.