Package com.xinapse.filter
package com.xinapse.filter
The package
is used to filter images.-
ClassDescriptionThis class provides a skeletal implementation of the
interface, for complex data to minimize the effort required to implement this interface.This class provides a skeletal implementation of theSpatialFilter
interface, to minimize the effort required to implement this interface.A SpatialFilter for altering the colour components of a colour image.A FilterSpecifierPanel for a colour image filter.A convolution filter that uses the Fast Fourier Transform to perform the convolution in Fourier space.A class for selecting a SpatialFilter.A JPanel that contains a JTabbedPane that can be used to select one of the known SpatialFilters.A class for performing filtering of complex images based on a moving kernel of pixels with fixed complex weights within the kernel.A class for performing filtering of images based on a moving kernel of pixels with fixed weights within the kernel.AFixedWeightsKernelFilter
for performing a Gaussian blurring of an image.A FilterSpecifierPanel for a Gaussian blur filter.AFixedWeightsKernelFilter
for performing a Laplacian filtering of an image.A FilterSpecifierPanel for a Laplacian edge-detection filter.ASpatialFilter
for performing median filtering of an image.A FilterSpecifierPanel for a median filter.ASpatialFilter
for performing a morphological operation on an image.A FilterSpecifierPanel for a moprphological operation filter.An enumeration of the possible morphological operations on an image.Noise reduction filter based in averaging pixel intensities based on the similarity of patches that are not necessarily local to the pixel.A FilterSpecifierPanel for a patch similarity noise reduction filter.AFixedWeightsKernelFilter
for performing a sharpen filtering operation on an image.A FilterSpecifierPanel for a sharpening filter.AFixedWeightsKernelFilter
for performing a Sobel filtering of an image.A {SpatialFilter
for producing the magnitude of the gradient of an image.A FilterSpecifierPanel for a Sobel edge-detection filter.An enumeration of the types of Sobel filter.Interface implemented by classes that can spatially filter images.A JPanel that can be used to specify spatial filter parameters.