sends a ping request to LicenseServer to verify that
the LicenseServer software is up and running.
Running the program without any arguments produces the following output:
The response from the LicenseServer is of the form:
Usage: LicensePing [options]
-?,--help Displays this help message.
-h,--hostname <name> Specifies the license server's hostname.
-i,--ip-address <address> Sets the license server I/P address.
-p,--port <port> Sets the license server port number. Minimum port
number allowed=7500; maximum port number
allowed=7999; default port number=7969.
-v,--verbose Turns on verbose reporting to System.out.
-ver,--version Prints the software build version, and exits.
This shows that there are two floating licenses available, and one of them is
already in use. When the LicenseServer is not running, or you have specified
the wrong hostname, I/P address or port number, the response is like:
LicensePing: verified; PING-RESPONSE 1/2 licenses in use.
LicensePing: verify failed: Connection refused.